Monday, November 30, 2009

Mind Game

Have you ever wondered how and why mind thinks about thousand things at once? Don't start thinking now. This was just a mind exercising question.

As usual, it was a Monday morning and I had not decided how to kill the day. I thought I will prepare for the interviews which I might get calls for may be... I don't know when.

The same old game began in my mind. Will I get any calls today? Will I get any calls at all till next week. If not, why should I start preparing from now itself. At the same time I was sort of scared that I might be out of touch if I don't brush up my skills as my job nature demands that I be up-to-date always. The North corner of my mind told me that its better you start studying before its late, if you suddenly get a call, as a case of "luck-by-chance", you might fail to get a job because you dint prepare well for it. But the South corner told that I should not worry too much unnecessarily as the same is happening since 2 months and, I will not get calls for another 2-3 weeks as its holiday time and the nation has not yet recovered from recession.

I listened to the South corner of my mind as it was the easiest. I decided to waste the day again as I didn't know what to do. But I was still feeling bad about not doing anything productive.
I thought I can utilize this time by writing what my mind thinks. So started a blog today.

Mind surely is a very creative part which makes or breaks anything in life. I have been watching its pattern of thinking since a month, but its like a jig-saw puzzle or may be more complicated than that. Do you sometimes feel like doing nothing at all, all day long? Yes I do; Still mind thinks why am I doing nothing.

The more you think about why the mind thinks so much, the more frustrated and confused you become. I sometimes think not to think at all. But I still think why I should not think.

I don't want you to get to thinking too much after reading my blog....This is still my starter.
That's all for today. I will make you think more in my next blog.


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